This page is mainly dedicated to examples on different job types. For a more comprehensive on different job types, please refer to `/jobs/Overview.html`.
## Batch jobs (Non-interactive)
Batch jobs allow users to execute tasks without direct interaction with the computing environment. These jobs are written in scripts, which include commands for the job's execution and resource requests which will be interpreted by the cluster scheduler which is Slurm in our case, and are submitted to the job scheduling system.
### BATCH directives
@@ -24,6 +25,38 @@ Our cluster is partitioned into the following categories: <br>
***Standard Partition (future_parition_name)**: For general-purpose jobs with moderate resource requirements.
***High-Memory Partition (future_parition_name)**: For jobs requiring significant amounts of memory.
***GPU Partition (future-partition_name)**: For jobs that need GPU resources, such as gpu1 and gpu2 in our setup.
Choosing the right partition ensures your job is queued in an environment suited to its needs, and can potentially reduce wait times.
### Simple batch job example
### Advanced batch job example
Let's walk through a basic `batch` job script:
#SBATCH --job-name=test_job
#SBATCH --output=test_job.out
#SBATCH --error=test_job.err
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --time=10:00
#SBATCH --mem=1G
module load python3
*`#!/bin/bash`: This line needs to be included at the start of **all** your batch scripts. It basically specifies the script to be run with a shell called `bash`.
Lines 2-7 are your `SBTACH` directives. These lines are where you specify different options for your job including its name, output and error files path/name, list of nodes you want to use, runtime and resource limits, and more if required. Let's walk through them line by line:
*`#SBATCH --job-name=test_job`: This directive gives your job a name that you can later use to easier track and manage your job when looking for it in the queue. In this example, we've called it `test_job`. You can read about job management at `/software/env-modules.html`.
*`#SBATCH --output=test_job.out`: Used to specify where your output file is generated, and what it's going to be named. In this example, we have not provided a path, but only provided a name. When you use the `--output` directive without specifying a full path, just providing a filename, Slurm will store the output file in the current working directory from which the `sbatch` command was executed.
*`#SBATCH --error=test_job.err`: Functions similar to `--output` except it contains error messages generated during the execution of your job, if any. **The `.err` file is always going to be generated even if your job execution is successful; however, it's going to be empty if there are no errors.**
*`#SBATCH --nodes=1`: This directive basically tells the scheduler "Run my job on any available node you find, and I don't care which one". **It's also possible to specify the name of the node(s) you'd like to use which we will cover in future examples.**
*`#SBATCH --time=10:00`: This line specifies how long you want your job to run, after it's out the queue and starts execution. In this case, the job will be **terminated** after 10 minutes. Acceptable time formats include `mm`, `mm:ss`, `hh:mm:ss`, `days-hh`, `days-hh:mm` and `days-hh:mm:ss`.
*`#SBATCH --mem=1G` Specifies the maximum main memory required *per* node. In this case we set the cap to 1 GigaByte. If you don't use a memory unit, Slurm automatically uses MegaBytes: `#SBATCH --mem=4096` requests 4096MB of RAM. **If you want to request all the memory on a node, you can use `--mem=0`.**
After the last `#SBATCH` directive, commands are ran like any other regular shell script.
*`module load python3`: Loads necessary files and modules in order for the command `python3` to be valid when used. Please refer to `/software/env-modules.html` for more detail on how the command `module` works.
*`python3`: Just like any other `python3` command, this line runs the `` file using Python. **Later, the output(s) and/or error(s) of this operation is written to the files we have specified in our directives.**