Commit 210a80d9 authored by Mani Tofigh's avatar Mani Tofigh

Added missing instruction on replacing xx -> 01-30 in the sbatch script

parent 482f1db2
......@@ -60,10 +60,11 @@ port=9001
# Print tunneling instructions
echo -e "
NOTE: You need to replace the `xx` with a number from 01-30.
Command to create SSH tunnel:
ssh -N -f -L ${port}:${node}:${port} -J ${user},${user} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null ${user}@${node}
NOTE: After establishing the tunnel, look for the URL you need to open in your local browser, printed in the .err file.
After running the command successfully, look for the URL you need to open in your local browser, printed in the .err file.
jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=${port} --ip=${node}
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