Commit 2c3396d3 authored by Alexander Rosenberg's avatar Alexander Rosenberg

explained relation to environment modules

parent f14e66ee
# Virtual Environment Guide
Managing software dependencies and configurations can be challenging in an HPC environment. Users often need different versions of the same software or libraries, leading to conflicts and complex setups. Virtual environments provide a solution by allowing users to isolate their project and its dependencies. This simplifies the setup process, ensures that users have the correct software environment for their applications, and reduces conflicts and errors caused by incompatible software versions. This guide provides different methods for installing or simulating virtual environments in multiple languages including Python, R, Julia, Rust, C, C++, and other languages. This will allow you to create projects in isolated environments that will not require root or sudo access.
Managing software dependencies and configurations can be challenging in an HPC environment. Users often need different versions of the same software or libraries, leading to conflicts and complex setups. [Environment modules]({{site.baseurl}}{% link software/ %}) provide a solution by allowing users to dynamically modify their shell environment using simple commands. This simplifies the setup process, ensures that users have the correct software environment for their applications, and reduces conflicts and errors caused by incompatible software versions. Environment modules work on the same principle as virtual environments, i.e. the manipulation of environment variables. If an environment module is not available for a given version you need, you can instead create a virtual environment using the standard version manager tools provided with many common languages. Virtual environments allow for managing different versions of lanugages and dependencies independent of the system version or other virtual environments, so they are often used by developers to isolate dependencies for different projects.
This guide provides different methods for creating virtual environments and managing dependencies accross multiple languages including Python, R, Julia, Rust, C, C++, and others. This allows you to create projects in isolated environments and install dependencies without the use of root or sudo access.
## Python
......@@ -880,4 +882,4 @@ Note: If you want to keep the source code but remove all compiled artifacts and
cargo clean
This will remove the target directory, which contains all compiled files and downloaded dependencies.
\ No newline at end of file
This will remove the target directory, which contains all compiled files and downloaded dependencies.
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