Commit 51f3e755 authored by Mani Tofigh's avatar Mani Tofigh

corrected explanation order

parent c0fe7d84
......@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ Explanation:
- `#SBATCH --error`: Defines error log files for your job at your desired path.
- `#SBATCH --ntasks`: Number of tasks or processes. In this case, it's a single-task job.
- `#SBATCH --mem`: Total memory in megabytes (here, 8000MB or 8GB).
- `#SBATCH --time`: The maximum time for the job (here, 10 minutes).
- `#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu`: Memory per CPU in megabytes (here, 1000MB or 1GB).
- `#SBATCH --time`: The maximum time for the job (here, 10 minutes).
- `module load python/3.8`: Loads the Python module.
- `python`: The command to run your Python script.
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