{% comment %}You can reset it here: [link to be provided]{% endcomment %}
Please contact the [support team]({{site.baseurl}}{% link help/contact.md %}).
### How do I change my password on Star?
### How do I change my password on Star?
The password can be changed on the [password reset page](#). Log in using
You can run the `passwd` command on the login node to change your password. Please note `passwd` will have no affect from the compute nodes.
your username on Star.
The `passwd` command known from other Linuxes does not work. The Star
{% comment %}A web portal is currently under development. Once launched, your password can also be changed from the password reset page, [link to be provided]. Log in using your username on Star.{% endcomment %}
system is using a centralised database for user management. This will
override the password changes done locally on Star.
### What is the ssh key fingerprint for star.hofstra.edu?
### What is the ssh key fingerprint for star.hofstra.edu?