Commit 697543c1 authored by hucscsys's avatar hucscsys

Slurm content

parent 55f329a8
# Star HPC Documentation # Star HPC Documentation
This area provides resources and guides for the Star cluster This area provides guides and resources for using the Star cluster
## New users ## New users
# I'm folder1 # Slurm
source: `{{ page.path }}` Slurm Workload Manager, or SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management), is a free and open-source job scheduler for managing workloads on Linux and Unix-based clusters, grids, and supercomputers. Slurm is widely used in high-performance computing (HPC) environments, where it is used to manage the allocation of resources such as CPU time, memory, and storage across a large number of compute nodes. Slurm provides tools for users to submit, monitor, and control the execution of their jobs. Other key features include support for parallel and serial job execution, support for job dependencies and job arrays, support for resource reservations and QoS (quality of service), and support for job priority and backfilling. Slurm has a modular design that enables it to be highly configurable to be tailored to meet a wide variety of needs in different environments. It is widely used in academia and industry, and is supported by a large and active community of users and developers.
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