Commit b0da4909 authored by Mani Tofigh's avatar Mani Tofigh

restructure for better reading flow

parent 25d7f904
......@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ Tmux allows you to achieve this functionality, through a single interactive sess
Before getting started, let's understand some common Tmux terminology:
- **Session**: A group of windows that can be attached (viewed) or detached (running in background)
- **Prefix** (like a escape key): The key combination that tells Tmux you're about to enter a command (default: `Ctrl+b`)
- **Session**: A group of windows that can be attached (viewed) or detached (run in background)
- **Window**: Like tabs in your browser, each containing one or more panes
- **Pane**: Split sections within a window
- **Prefix**: The key combination that tells Tmux you're about to enter a command (default: `Ctrl+b`)
We will further clarify these terms through the image attached below.
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