Commit cbcacfc3 authored by Alexander Rosenberg's avatar Alexander Rosenberg

Merge branch 'faq-corrections-021325' into master

parents d9b55847 13459b92
......@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ Yes. Please see [Virtual environments]({{site.baseurl}}{% link software/virtual-
### How can I check my disk quota and disk usage?
{% comment %}
To check the disk quota of your home directory ( /home/username ), you can use the repquota command which prints a summary of the disc usage and quotas for the specified file systems.
$ /usr/sbin/repquota -a -s
......@@ -77,20 +78,13 @@ Hard Limit -> This is the absolute maximum disk space or number of files a user
Grace Period -> The amount of time a user is allowed to exceed the soft limit before they are required to get back under it. If this period expires, the soft limit becomes enforced like a hard limit.
File limits (inodes) -> These limit the number of files a user can create, regardless of their size.
{% endcomment %}
To check the quota of the main project storage (parallel file system - `/fs1/projects/<project>`), you can use this command:
$ mmlsquota -j <project_name> fs1
To check the quota of the main project storage (parallel file system - `/fs1/proj/<project>`), you can use this command:
$ mmlsquota -j <fileset_name> <filesystem_name>
The -j option specifies that you are querying a fileset. Filesets in GPFS are similar to directories that can have independent quota limits.
fileset_name -> This is the name of the fileset whose quota you want to check.
filesystem_name -> The name of the GPFS filesystem in which the fileset resides.
example: mmlsquota -j project_fileset gpfs1
The -j option specifies that you are querying a fileset, which is how quotas are set on different directories in GPFS.
### How many CPU hours have I spent?
......@@ -124,6 +118,7 @@ your local PC.
Please read about Interactive jobs at [Submitting jobs]({{site.baseurl}}{% link jobs/ %}).
{% comment %}
### My ssh connections are dying / freezing
How to prevent your ssh connections from dying / freezing.
......@@ -143,6 +138,7 @@ using
you can take a look at this page explaining
for a similar solution.
{% endcomment %}
### Where can I find an example of job script?
......@@ -241,7 +237,8 @@ Priority means that resources are in principle available, but someone
else has higher priority in the queue. Resources means the at the moment
the requested resources are not available.
### How can I customize emails that I get after a job has completed?
{% comment %}
### How can I send emails when a job has completed?
Use the mail command and you can customize it to your liking but make
sure that you send the email via the login node.
......@@ -250,6 +247,7 @@ As an example, add and adapt the following line at the end of your
echo "email content" | ssh star-1.local 'mail -s "Job finished: ${SLURM_JOBID}"'
{% endcomment %}
### How can I run many short tasks?
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