Commit d5e0d4fb authored by Alexander Rosenberg's avatar Alexander Rosenberg

restored example script for running many short tasks on the FAQ

parent 72e40c43
......@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ script:
The overhead in the job start and cleanup makes it unpractical to run
thousands of short tasks as individual jobs on Star.
The queueing setup on star, or rather, the accounting system generates
The queueing setup on Star, or rather, the accounting system generates
overhead in the start and finish of a job of about 1 second at each end
of the job. This overhead is insignificant when running large parallel
jobs, but creates scaling issues when running a massive amount of
......@@ -268,6 +268,86 @@ unparallelizable part of the job. This is because the queuing system can
only start and account one job at a time. This scaling problem is
described by [Amdahls Law]('s_law).
If the tasks are extremly short, you can use the example below. If you
want to spawn many jobs without polluting the queueing system, please
have a look at `Job arrays` at [Submitting jobs]({{site.baseurl}}{% link jobs/ %}).
If the tasks are extremly short (e.g. less than 1 second), you can use the example below.
If you want to spawn many jobs without polluting the queueing system, please
have a look at [array jobs]({{site.baseurl}}{% link jobs/ %}#array-jobs).
By using some shell trickery one can spawn and load-balance multiple
independent task running in parallel within one node, just background
the tasks and poll to see when some task is finished until you spawn the
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Jobscript example that can run several tasks in parallel.
# All features used here are standard in bash so it should work on
# any sane UNIX/LINUX system.
# Author:
# This example will only work within one compute node so let's run
# on one node using all the cpu-cores:
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=20
# We assume we will (in total) be done in 10 minutes:
#SBATCH --time=0-00:10:00
# Let us use all CPUs:
# Let's assume we have a bunch of tasks we want to perform.
# Each task is done in the form of a shell script with a numerical argument:
# N
# Let's just create some fake arguments with a sequence of numbers
# from 1 to 100, edit this to your liking:
tasks=$(seq 100)
for t in $tasks; do
# Do the real work, edit this section to your liking.
# remember to background the task or else we will
# run serially
./ $t &
# You should leave the rest alone...
# count the number of background tasks we have spawned
# the jobs command print one line per task running so we only need
# to count the number of lines.
activetasks=$(jobs | wc -l)
# if we have filled all the available cpu-cores with work we poll
# every second to wait for tasks to exit.
while [ $activetasks -ge $maxpartasks ]; do
sleep 1
activetasks=$(jobs | wc -l)
# Ok, all tasks spawned. Now we need to wait for the last ones to
# be finished before we exit.
echo "Waiting for tasks to complete"
echo "done"
And here is the `` script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Fake some work, $1 is the task number.
# Change this to whatever you want to have done.
# sleep between 0 and 10 secs
let sleeptime=10*$RANDOM/32768
echo "Task $1 is sleeping for $sleeptime seconds"
sleep $sleeptime
echo "Task $1 has slept for $sleeptime seconds"
Source: [HPC-UiT FAQ](
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