Next, create a SLURM batch job script named ``. This script requests GPU resources, loads necessary modules, and runs your TensorFlow script inside an Apptainer container:
#SBATCH --job-name=tensorflow_test_job
#SBATCH --output=result.txt
#SBATCH --nodelist=gpu1
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:A100:2
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --time=10:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1000
module load python3
module load apptainer
echo"run Apptainer TensorFlow GPU"
apptainer run --nv tensorflowGPU.sif python3
This script runs the `` script inside the TensorFlow GPU container (`tensorflowGPU.sif`)
You can now submit your job to Slurm using `sbatch job-test-nv-tf.sbatch`.
After the job completes, you can check the output in `result.txt`. The output should include information about the available physical devices (GPUs), the TensorFlow version, and the output from training the model on the MNIST dataset.
The beginning and end of the file might look something like this: