Commit 867aea3f authored by Aadil M. Alli's avatar Aadil M. Alli

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parent 5c846265
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
CS = 5
Clock = 25
Address = 24
DataOut = 23
Button = 7
class TRSensor(object):
def __init__(self,numSensors = 5):
self.numSensors = numSensors
self.calibratedMin = [0] * self.numSensors
self.calibratedMax = [1023] * self.numSensors
self.last_value = 0
Reads the sensor values into an array. There *MUST* be space
for as many values as there were sensors specified in the constructor.
Example usage:
unsigned int sensor_values[8];;
The values returned are a measure of the reflectance in abstract units,
with higher values corresponding to lower reflectance (e.g. a black
surface or a void).
def AnalogRead(self):
value = [0]*(self.numSensors+1)
#Read Channel0~channel6 AD value
for j in range(0,self.numSensors+1):
for i in range(0,4):
#sent 4-bit Address
if(((j) >> (3 - i)) & 0x01):
#read MSB 4-bit data
value[j] <<= 1
value[j] |= 0x01
for i in range(0,6):
#read LSB 8-bit data
value[j] <<= 1
value[j] |= 0x01
#no mean ,just delay
# for i in range(0,6):
# GPIO.output(Clock,GPIO.HIGH)
# GPIO.output(Clock,GPIO.LOW)
# print value[1:]
return value[1:]
Reads the sensors 10 times and uses the results for
calibration. The sensor values are not returned; instead, the
maximum and minimum values found over time are stored internally
and used for the readCalibrated() method.
def calibrate(self):
max_sensor_values = [0]*self.numSensors
min_sensor_values = [0]*self.numSensors
for j in range(0,10):
sensor_values = self.AnalogRead();
for i in range(0,self.numSensors):
# set the max we found THIS time
if((j == 0) or max_sensor_values[i] < sensor_values[i]):
max_sensor_values[i] = sensor_values[i]
# set the min we found THIS time
if((j == 0) or min_sensor_values[i] > sensor_values[i]):
min_sensor_values[i] = sensor_values[i]
# record the min and max calibration values
for i in range(0,self.numSensors):
if(min_sensor_values[i] > self.calibratedMin[i]):
self.calibratedMin[i] = min_sensor_values[i]
if(max_sensor_values[i] < self.calibratedMax[i]):
self.calibratedMax[i] = max_sensor_values[i]
Returns values calibrated to a value between 0 and 1000, where
0 corresponds to the minimum value read by calibrate() and 1000
corresponds to the maximum value. Calibration values are
stored separately for each sensor, so that differences in the
sensors are accounted for automatically.
def readCalibrated(self):
value = 0
#read the needed values
sensor_values = self.AnalogRead();
for i in range (0,self.numSensors):
denominator = self.calibratedMax[i] - self.calibratedMin[i]
if(denominator != 0):
value = (sensor_values[i] - self.calibratedMin[i])* 1000 / denominator
if(value < 0):
value = 0
elif(value > 1000):
value = 1000
sensor_values[i] = value
return sensor_values
Operates the same as read calibrated, but also returns an
estimated position of the robot with respect to a line. The
estimate is made using a weighted average of the sensor indices
multiplied by 1000, so that a return value of 0 indicates that
the line is directly below sensor 0, a return value of 1000
indicates that the line is directly below sensor 1, 2000
indicates that it's below sensor 2000, etc. Intermediate
values indicate that the line is between two sensors. The
formula is:
0*value0 + 1000*value1 + 2000*value2 + ...
value0 + value1 + value2 + ...
By default, this function assumes a dark line (high values)
surrounded by white (low values). If your line is light on
black, set the optional second argument white_line to true. In
this case, each sensor value will be replaced by (1000-value)
before the averaging.
def readLine(self, white_line = 0):
sensor_values = self.readCalibrated()
avg = 0
sum = 0
on_line = 0
for i in range(0,self.numSensors):
value = sensor_values[i]
value = 1000-value
# keep track of whether we see the line at all
if(value > 200):
on_line = 1
# only average in values that are above a noise threshold
if(value > 50):
avg += value * (i * 1000); # this is for the weighted total,
sum += value; #this is for the denominator
if(on_line != 1):
# If it last read to the left of center, return 0.
if(self.last_value < (self.numSensors - 1)*1000/2):
self.last_value = 0;
# If it last read to the right of center, return the max.
self.last_value = (self.numSensors - 1)*1000
self.last_value = avg/sum
return self.last_value,sensor_values
# Simple example prints accel/mag data once per second:
if __name__ == '__main__':
TR = TRSensor()
print("TRSensor Example")
while True:
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