@@ -176,14 +176,6 @@ Once submitted, you'll be placed in an interactive shell on the allocated node w
To submit an array job, you use the `--array` as a part of your `sbatch`. This option specifies a range of indices that Slurm uses to create multiple tasks from a single job submission. Each task in the array is assigned a unique SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID that can be used within your scripts to differentiate between them.
### Multiple terminals in an interactive sessions
It is very common to need more than one terminal for many applications (e.g. running the job in one terminal and monitoring it in another).
A common solution is to use a terminal multiplexer, such as Tmux or GNU Screen.
Our suggestion is Tmux and have provided a guide to getting started with it [on the Tmux page]({{site.baseurl}}{% link software/tmux.md %}
### Array job example
Suppose you have a dataset split into multiple files and you want to process each file independently. Instead of submitting a separate job for each file, you can submit a single array job where each task processes a different file.