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# VRClassroom # VRClassroom
Developed with Unreal Engine 4 Developed with Unreal Engine 4
Requires an Oculus Quest headset
## Steps ## Install UE4
- **Follow this guide** on building Unreal Engine from source: https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/ue4-on-github Go to this repo https://git.cs.hofstra.edu/h702592111/oculus-ue4 and compile this version of Unreal Engine 4 following the guide to develop on Android
Make sure you clone version 4.25 with this command: ## Compile Project
```git clone --single-branch --branch 4.25 https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine.git``` Right click VRClassroom.uproject and Click "Switch Unreal Engine version" and make sure the ue4 build from the previous step is selected
Right click VRClassroom.uproject and Click "Generate Visual Studio project files"
Open VRClassroom.sln and compile
- Download Visual Studio 2017 or 2019 with C++ frameworks and .NET Framework 4.6.2 targeting pack ## Oculus Link
- Run the `Setup.bat` or equivalent depending on your OS Follow these steps to connect a Oculus Quest to your PC: https://support.oculus.com/394778968099974/
- Then run `GenerateProjectFiles.bat` or equivalent for your OS. If you are using Visual Studio 2019 run `GenerateProjectFiles.bat -2019` ## Running the project
- Next, just follow the [Build Instructions](https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Programming/Development/BuildingUnrealEngine/index.html) Having Oculus Link active, open up VRClassroom.uproject.
If everything is set properly, then you should be able to do VR preview inside UE4
or # VRClassroom instances
- If on Linux/macOS: https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Platforms/Linux/BeginnerLinuxDeveloper/SettingUpAnUnrealWorkflow/index.html#3-buildingue4onlinux Dynamic Server instancing for VRClassroom
Uses nodejs to become a World Server on the API and run the server instances for multiplayer
For oculus quest development, we need android development tools **Everything should be in src/Instancing**
[Here is a tutorial for that](https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Platforms/Mobile/Android/Setup/AndroidStudio/index.html)
You may need to also use git LFS for this project incase some assets fail to load. ## Dependencies
[Download Git LFS](https://git-lfs.github.com/) then just got to the project path in your terminal and run `git lfs pull`
This should download the additional assets that will allow the project to load.
Now that all that is done, there are two ways to test and run the program. You can have the oculus link enabled and directly hit "VR preview" to run the app. Install node dependencies
However, for Server-Client testing, we need to run to separates programs. As such, we have to build and launch to the Oculus Quest while it is connected. Make sure the Quest is in Developer Mode for this. `npm install`
After hitting "Launch", it will take some time to build especially the first time. The app should appear under "Unknown Sources" as VRClassroom.
## Config
Create a .env file that contains the following:
The credentials refer to a admin user in the database
On the ue4 folder, change the config.js file.
Modify `UE_PATH` and `PROJECT_PATH` to the correct path in your machine.
## Run
To run the nodejs project:
`node main.js`
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