Commit 0d424f97 authored by h702579998's avatar h702579998

Added the functionality for the functionality of the insertatindex function in main.c

parent f58ba3a6
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ void panic(){
int menu(struct Node *head){
int choice, input;
int choice, input, index, value;
puts("Welcome to the menu for creation of linked lists.");
puts("Displaying possible actions:");
puts("1. Add at End;\n2. Delete Node;\n3. Insert Node;\n4. Search for value;\n5. Print a node;\n6. Print full list;\n7. Delete list and exit;");
......@@ -20,7 +20,11 @@ int menu(struct Node *head){
case 2: //delete node
// break;
case 3: //insert
fputs("You have decided to insert a value at a specific point. Input the node index now: ",stdout);
fputs("\nPlease input the value now: ",stdout);
insert_node(head, index, value);
case 4: //search
fputs("You have selected to search for a value. Please input the value now: ",stdout);
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